Current Board Members: 2024 – 2025

Rachel works for Penn Waste as a Business Development Manager. Her goal for the year is to grow our membership and encourages all members to get involved by joining a committee and attend as many of our events as possible. 

Rachel Quinn, President

Morgan Works for Rexroth Properties & Tri-Boro Materials Inc. as a Managing Partner. Morgan was apart of planning 2024 WIC WEEK , she helped facilitate our self defense class day and is super excited for this upcoming year.

Morgan Rexroth, Vice President

Carleigh Williams, Secretary

Leah Adams, Treasurer

Emily Fisher, Board Member

Heather Pryor, Board Member

Anne Shambaugh, Board Member

Cali Hager, Board Member

The responsibilities of the Board Members are as follows:

    1. Attend and participate in meetings on a regular basis (must attend at least 75% of all board meetings), and 50% of events
    2. Be engaged in the association and the decisions made on its behalf
    3. Be alert to membership concerns that can be addressed by Chapter mission, objectives, and programs
    4. Help communicate and promote the Chapter mission and programs to the community
    5. Become familiar with NAWIC finances, budget, and financial/resource needs
    6. Help identify and recruit new members
    7. Serve as a committee liaison